
This news article...

... is related to my previous posting: Independent Online Edition > Asia : app2


after the tragedy

Many days have now passed since the terrible earthquake last Saturday. It is now confirmed that tens of thousands are dead, and an even greater number is still waiting desperately for help.
Right now there is lots of media coverage, but eventually, pretty soon, a new story will take over. However, the tragedy for the survivors is not so short-lived. The tsunami devastation last year was big news for many days, but now we don't know how the people who were affected are faring now, how much of their lives have they re-built.
This article points to some important issues in this regard.
An important question at this stage is how to contribute to the relief effort. The unelected government at the helm of affairs, run by generals, though also having a civilian face in the form of a prime minister (imported from some lowly position at Citibank), has established a relief fund. However, I, and many others I know, would not contribute to the government's fund, for fear of it being embezzled. This may sound strange to some, but corruption by government, and by generals, has sufficient precedent to deter The Ordinary Citizen (Aam shehri, in Urdu). The government's relief effort, and the attitude of its ministers, as amply reported in the media, has exposed the capability and intentions of the government in any case.
Another option to contribute to could be private organisations that have the capability (in terms of material and human resources) to help the victims. Among these is the Edhi Foundation, which has gained the trust of the public over the last many years.
Religious-political parties also have dedicated personnel, including professionals, e.g. doctors, surgeons etc, and more importantly, the coordination capability to organise relief efforts. Well-known among these is the Jamat-e-Islami, whose politics is of a very dubious nature, but whose public-service capability is proven, and often trusted by those who don't agree with its politics. Unfortunately, however, the mainstream religious parties have always supported the generals whenever they have usurped power, which has happened all too often, and even now, though being in opposition at the federal level, the religious parties have helped the generals stay in power. This is a big turn off for many Ordinary Citizens.
At times like this, however, there is always a big volunteer effort by the Ordinary Citizens. The brother of an aunt of mine has left Lahore yesterday for the Kashmir region with relief-goods laden trucks. We contributed to this effort, since I think the chance of my contribution reaching the vicitms is much greater in this way than any other way.


killer earthquake

I have experienced earthquakes before in Lahore, but the one last Saturday was really terrifying, in intensity, and in duration. The earth continued to shake for more than a minute. Luckily, Lahore was spared.
Up in north of the country, tens of thousands are dead, and awaiting help, while the generals running the country continue making appropriate noises of timely help being provided.