
Is capitalism...

'Unbridled' capitalism one cause of crisis, says Brown


For the past...

...few days I have been getting lots of spam from Indian recruiters wanting to hire me, or wanting me to send my resume to them :-) I wonder why this happened; maybe somewhere my email address has been picked up.


Colours of fall...

...here in Mississauga. Pictures taken today on a public holiday, which turned out to be a pretty warm day.
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From the country...

...that gave the world Hitler, this news shouldn't be any surprising.
Right-wing parties make big gains in Austria.

Though today's news says that one of the present day admirers of Hitler is dead.

How simple...

...the world is. You make war, ruin a country, kill countless innocent men, women and children, then say the war can't be won, and start talking about making peace with "them".

Recently finished reading...

...an excellent book by Dilip Hiro, titled "Blood of the earth : the battle for the world's vanishing oil resources".
Its an extremely well-written book, choke full of facts and figures, but is not the academic type that are difficult to read. It places the facts and figures in historical context, and shows how in the recent past (i.e. less than 200 years) politics of oil have shaped events around the world.
Next target is a relatively lesser known book by Anwar Sadat, the former president of Egypt. Its titled "Those I Have Known", and I'm going to read it again just for nostalgic reasons, since I first read it around 18 years ago, when I was a regular visitor to the British Council Library in Lahore, from where I had borrowed it. From what I know, the British Council Library, from where I borrowed and read many many books, and which was located in the heart of the city, is no more since many many years.
Now I have borrowed this book from the Mississauga public library system here in Canada.