

...Ocean's 11 and Ocean's 12 in the last few days. I had heard about these films, but did not know that these would be bursting with fantasy at the star-studded seams!
As happens in most cases, the sequel was more lousy than the first film.


Tony Blair is...

...expected to change his faith!!


This is also...

...a good reading:

John Pilger on politics and Latin America cinema

The wheel of...

...comical absurdity, that continued rolling for many many weeks, has finally gone full circle.

Read it here: Woolmer case ends with no match-fixing, no poison, no killers - and no resignations

Now reading...

...Military Inc.: Inside Pakistan's Military Economy, by Ayesha Siddiqa.

The books created quite some buzz, and so I should be knowing now (after perhaps many days, since my reading of the book so far has been very slow) whether the buzz was justified or not.