
Today revised...

...concepts of linear equations and matrices. Its funny how much you forget over time, and how much you recall when you go through a typical undergraduate book (today a book on elementary linear algebra). What I like is that you also tend to vaguely remember some flavours of the time, whiffs of deep-buried memories.

Did finish...

the book "The Afghan" quite some days ago, but compared to the other Forsyth books I have read a very long time ago, this one was pretty weak. Plus written in the context of the Al-qaida bullshit, I found many parts of the book distasteful.


Started reading...

..."The Afghan" by Frederick Forsyth.


For those with...

...some interest, and some background knowledge, in the affairs of Pakistan, this would be interesting reading:
Why another crackdown on media is round the corner

Impasse puts Nawaz in tight spot


A friend has...

...given me a book to read, namely "The Code Book" by Simon Singh. This is about the "science of secrecy from ancient Egypt to quantum cryptography". Should be interesting, if a bit dense, to read.