
Robert Fisk of...

...the Independent is in Afghanistan these days. I never miss any of his articles when it appears. One week ago, I was finally able to watch his documentary "From Beirut to Bosnia", made in 1993. I had learnt of this 3-part documentary many years ago, and had tried much to obtain it, but couldn't. Then a week ago my search on the internet was successful, and I was able to download a copy (maybe illegal, since it was a recording from Discovery channel, which presumably showed this documentary at some point in time).
However, I watched all 3 parts in one go, and wasn't disappointed.


This is a...

...really funny news: it shows that while capitalism may be dead, capitalist habits are thriving.

Big Three auto CEOs flew private jets to ask for taxpayer money

It is snowing...

...in Toronto right now. Last week the temperature was more than 10 Celcius. This week its much colder, and now snow also.