
Spending almost...

...3 hours configuring the wireless router (sth that was working, albeit with intermittent problems), while being on antibiotics for the second time in less than 2 months, is no fun :(


First snow...

...of the season (though more like flurries or light snow).
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Finished reading...

..."Talking to Rudolf Hess" by Desmond Zwar, having picked it up accidently at the university library.

...The rule of Bolshevism is the rule of the Jew. Two world wars and twice the same result: Jewish power increased. Does it need much political farsightedness to recognize that World War III is already being prepared? The new world war. This time the fronts will be, one one side the Bolshevists, and on the other the Anglo-Saxons. Who will win? That side will win in whose favour the secret agency is employed. The real instrument of power in the hands of the Jew is the Bolshevist. It is proved by the fact that for years a Jew has been at the head of the research department of the United States Atomic Power Organization. Is anyone going to believe that this Jew, hitherto completely unknown among scientists, has suddenly been put in this high position where all the secrets relating to the future war must be available? The atom bomb will be the main weapon of the Jewish-Bolshevist war leadership in spite of the fact that it is also in British and American hands. The Soviet Union will probably use it first and be able to destroy everything in the West. They have the best possible excuse for doing to because they can say the West used it first. The Anglo-Saxon countries will be the first to go under - I, Rudolf Hess, have warned you!.

...A few minutes after..., I called Abdallah Melaouhi (Rudolf Hess's male nurse) at his home in Berlin, where he had just returned from hospital duty. He said to me:'Yes, I believe Mr. Hess was murdered...'.


Just now...

...watched George Bush on Jay Leno's show. Laughing and joking and feeling happy. Sure the murdered and the maimed and the tortured and the renditioned mean nothing to this shameless man!!



...descending fog a few days ago.
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So a victory...

...over al-qaida (whatever that is) is not possible! So says the head of British armed forces. I wonder how he would try telling that to the hundreds of thousands killed and maimed in the name of the war on terror?

Head of armed forces says victory over al-Qa'ida is not possible


Tree with...

...leaves...At ISO 800 and handheld at 1/13s, this is not a bad photo :)
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Some onlookers...

...viewing the waterfall.
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A November...

...evening at Niagara Falls, 2010.
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In case...

...you tend to avoid pork in all its forms, and want to feel a little concerned, this article should do the trick:

From one pig -- bacon and 184 other things


A foggy...

...autumn day in Mississauga.
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Sun rising...

...over lake Ontario.
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