
So the world...

...failed to end?

Tricky reality for preacher after world fails to end - Americas, World - The Independent


Websters Falls...

...near Hamilton in Ontario, about 45 km from Mississauga.
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It is said...

...that the Americans are ignorant of geography. It seems so is their nobel-peace-prize-winning president. Does he know that there is a country named Saudi Arabia? Or is it that he did not mention this country's name in his great speech due to some other reasons?


One of the...

...best articles from Robert Fisk for some time. Vow!!!

"...President Barack Obama will not say this. A vain and cowardly man, he will talk about the..."

"Mr Obama and his equally gutless Secretary of State have no idea what they are facing in the Middle East. The Arabs are no longer afraid. They are tired of our "friends" and sick of our enemies. Very soon, the Palestinians of Gaza will march to the border of Israel and demand to "go home"."

Robert Fisk: President's fine words may not address the Middle East's real needs - Robert Fisk, Commentators - The Independent


If you are...

...a superpower, you can jail anyone you like, just like you can get anyone you like out of jail.

IMF chief jailed on Rikers Island after arraignment for attempted rape - CNN.com

Some very...

...interesting photos from Pakistan, all the more poignant given the misery that afflicts this country of more than 170 million people. (link obtained through Rob Galbraith's web site)

Scenes From Pakistan


Finished reading...

...The Siege of Vienna by John Stoye. Entertaining book, even if thick in history at times. Reading this makes you understand why the Europeans won't let Turkey enter the european union. It is interesting to realize also that at times the course of history is determined by all the different actors acting haphazardly, till the conditions are such that one party triumphs and the other not.


There is a...

...great word given to english language by the US. Its called bullshit. Often it describes aptly the actions of this greatest democracy in the world, which believes in the rule of law. For example, nothing could describe the recent "operation" in a smallish city in Pakistan better than this word. Warriors flying-in secretly at night, though requiring local thugs to inform people in the vicinity of the "hide-out" to turn-off their lights and keep inside in advance of the heroic action, as corroborated by all the local news sources, using stealth helicopters, so advanced that one of them was left visible for all to see turned upside down on a wall, not looking very noble, and requiring clean-up by the local thugs later on, killing an unarmed "alleged"-terrorist (isn't everyone presumed innocent until proven guilty in a court-of-law) in front of women and children, as is now becoming clear.
Whats this, if not bullshit?


So he is...

...now dead, killed by those who propped him up in the first place; and what better place to die than the world's favourite whipping country, Pakistan, from where it all started a few decades ago, in any case, the torch of Jihad lit by the US and its European allies, and financed by their puppets in the Middle East, some of whom are feeling pretty uneasy these days due to their own people.

Osama bin Laden is dead, Obama to announce | Richard Adams | World news | guardian.co.uk