
What a...



Google notebook...

...is one really useful thing. I had to bookmark links for later reading or reference, and I really disliked doing that since my bookmarks are so cluttered now. Sometimes I wrote things on paper or in some text file for later use, but now with Google notebook the pain in the butt that browsing can lead to has been reduced very much.

Today's news...

...contains copious reports of Hitler's anti-aircraft gunner humbly visiting a dreaded symbol of German murderous idealogy (I tend not to use the word Nazi, since the Nazis were the Germans, not separate from them).

Update: this should also be read.


All the names...

...in this news story are Indian. No wonder people of Indian origin, or their children, are so successful in the US.


It is pleasing...

to know that Einstein also struggled with Maths :-)


Robert Fisk has...

...this to say in one of his recent articles: "And then there’s Brasilia, the make-believe capital designed — like the equally fake Canberra in Australia and fraudulent Islamabad in Pakistan — so that the country’s politicians can hide themselves away from their people."

I have not been to Brasilia or Canberra, but I have definitely been to Islamabad, and am sure that anyone who has been to Islamabad can understand the poignancy of this description :-)


Lahore is not...

...really pleasant in May, but this time early May has seen temperatures soar around 45 degrees Celcius!!! Two days ago there was a fierce sandstorm in the evening, and temperatures dropped a bit, so yesterday was a bit bearable. From today again the weather is really tough. The prediction is that the next few days are going to be even warmer.


Bolivia's president...

...has decided to nationalize the oil and gas industry. I do not know whether this is a good decision or not, but I like the fact that a popularly elected government is asserting itself.
Here in Pakistan, the we have a so-called authority, consisting entirely of the big oil and gas companies, which have been raising the price of fuel regularly for the last couple of years. I read yesterday that the price of fuel has been raised 45 times in the last 5 years. The last 5 years are those, when Pakistan has been literally run by a general who is not Bush's poodle.


I have been...

...saving my web browsing bookmarks on the web for quite some time now. For that I used a bookmarks file, which still rests on my department's servers at the university in Hamburg. However, even though I have a login for the university, I do not have access rights to the department's servers. Which means that this bookmarks file is pretty much outdated.
Recently I read about the Google page creator, and I checked it out to see if it allowed me to upload files. It does, and upto 100 MB, which is quite enough for me.
So now my updated bookmarks file is linked to my page at Google pages.